Phantom Screens Okanagan

Don’t Screen Out In Pain | How Screens Can Improve Your Health

Don’t Screen Out In Pain | How Screens Can Improve Your Health

September 25, 2018

While retractable screen doors and windows are typically installed to keep out bugs, there are a surprising amount of positive benefits you can reap from installing screen doors in your home. From fresh air to filtered light, let’s take a look at all the health benefits of all things screens (you screen, I screen, we all screen for… well… screens)!

UV Protection

UV Protection
Having plenty of natural light has been shown to improve mood, boost your vitamin D, and help you sleep better. However, if you frequently have the windows or doors open (or even if you don’t) harmful ultraviolet rays (UV rays) can pierce through most untinted windows. However, installing screens can block these UV rays by up to 90% depending on the type of screen. This can help prevent getting burned and soaking up extra unwanted sunlight.

In addition, depending on your room setup, too much natural light can cause glare. This can make watching any sort of screen even harder on your eyes as you squint to read or view what’s on the screen. Avoid this by setting up some retractable screens in your home.

Prevent The Worse Of The Outside Getting In

While it’s great to have home features like a deck, patio, or outdoor landing, sometimes it can be annoying when parts of the outdoors start interfering with that. Bugs, in particular, can cause numerous problems. Wasps can quickly ruin an outdoor barbeque with their aggressive nature, and mosquitoes will have your guests running for the indoors faster than you can say, “Does anyone else hear a whining sound?”

Another issue that can be resolved with screens is ventilation. With the summer warmth still somewhat prevalent in the Okanagan, it can be refreshing to keep airflow rolling throughout the house. However, with those strong September winds blowing down the valley, you can easily accumulate a leaf pile the size of a small tree in your kitchen if you keep your windows or doors open. Using window or door screens can help prevent that from happening while still keeping the crisp Okanagan wind blowing through your home.

Clearly, screens have more of an impact than just “filtering” out bugs and other pests. Even just installing a few in your home can have a large impact, especially when it comes to reducing glare. Discover the best retractable screens for you today!

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