Phantom Screens Okanagan


June 12, 2018

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Okanagan Summer On A Budget

Summer has hit, in fact, it’s hit harder and faster than last year (thankfully without bruising). That means it’s time to put on those shorts and start sipping that Okanagan sun. We all know it can be expensive to have fun outside though, so it can be advantageous to jump on the opportunities that are more “on budget.” Good news!... read more
May 15, 2018

4 Backyard Activities That Could Be Helped With Screens

Picture this: you’re relaxing with a cool drink in-hand on your favourite outdoor recliner when you hear the familiar whine of mosquito swarms. It’s made clear very quickly you’re going to have to use your secret ninja training in order to keep them from touching your body. In addition to totally blowing your cover as a secret agent (we won’t... read more